Waxing of linoleum

Waxing of linoleum is especially relevant in rooms with heavy traffic and load. In addition, if you have expensive linoleum of the highest quality – in order so that it retains its original beauty as long as possible.

As a result of waxing linoleum, the pores of linoleum are filled, making the top layer even and dense. Contact with moisture or abrasive substances does not damage linoleum, but only the wax layer.

 We provide professional waxing of linoleum
Ph.:+371 27 087 990| e-mail: marix@marix.lv

Compared to other types of flooring, linoleum has gained popularity relatively recently. It is a relatively cheap and practical material that does not require much care in daily maintenance. Nevertheless, proper care of linoleum is important if you do not want to replace the flooring after a short time.

There are two types of linoleum distinguished:

  • Natural linoleum and
  • PVC linoleum

Natural linoleum contains natural substances – resin, linseed oil, cork wood flour, jute fabric, limestone and other natural materials that give colour to the product. Natural linoleum is thin and relatively dense. However, untreated natural linoleum can absorb substances that find their way onto it.
Chemically obtained raw materials are used for the production of PVC linoleum. Linoleum itself is thicker compared to the natural one, as well as softer. Therefore, it is more easily damaged by abrasive substances.

Therefore, whether you have natural or PVC linoleum, it needs regular care. Regularly re-waxing linoleum is undoubtedly more cost-effective than buying a new floor covering or putting up with damaged linoleum.


Prior to waxing the linoleum floor,

1.    we determine the type of linoleum;

2.    we evaluate the daily load of the floor depending on the use of the room;

3.    we prepare the floor for processing (cleaning);

4.    we perform waxing with the highest quality materials.


We take responsibility for our work – The company has the following insurances:

Employer's liability insurance
Post-work insurance
Environmental pollution insurance
Employees' insurance
General civil liability insurance for the amount of  EUR 150,000 


Service  Price EUR excl. VAT EUR
 Waxing of linoleum  starting from 2.00m2
 Service minimum price  60.00

Find out about all our offered options in the field of cleaning and washing – services of our company.