Industrial cleaning services

We offer professional, high-quality cleaning services for industrial premises and equipment, areas and machinery. Individual cleaning solutions for the needs and requirements of each customer!


We provide professional industrial cleaning services.
Ph.:+371 27 087 990| e-mail:

Industrial cleaning includes the following and other services:

  • cleaning of production premises (floors, walls, shelves, windows);
  • cleaning of production equipment;
  • cleaning and washing of industrial areas (industrial parks, ports, harbours etc.);
  • cleaning of construction and other equipment;
  • cleaning of storage and warehouse premises;
  • etc.


Industrial cleaning – work for professionals

Industrial cleaning is one of the most complex and responsible types of cleaning work, as it requires both special knowledge, appropriate equipment and specially trained employees, who perform cleaning and maintenance in accordance with all work safety instructions and requirements.

In order not to disturb the client's daily work rhythm, we agree on the most convenient cleaning and washing time and deadline for the customer. Remember – by entrusting industrial cleaning to specialists with experience in this type of work, you will save your time and money, getting the best result. We guarantee the professionalism and quality of our work!


We take responsibility for our work – The company has the following insurances:

Employer's liability insurance
Post-work insurance
Environmental pollution insurance
Employees' insurance
General civil liability insurance for the amount of  EUR 150,000 


Service:  Price EUR excl. VAT EUR
 Industrial cleaning  starting from 1.50EUR/m2
 Service minimum price  60.00


Find out about all our offered options in the field of cleaning and washing – services of our company.